
The end of unemployment

I am rejoining the workforce tomorrow!

I got a freelancer gig at an agency that I've liked for a long time. Since it's a freelancer position it's not permanent (I'm contracted for four weeks, give or take based on the workload), but there is a chance the position could turn permanent. And even if this place doesn't work out for the long-term, I have two other interviews in the works for permanent positions.

That's the good word for now. If only my chicken-shit brother-in-law wasn't wussing out of his semester aboard in China life would be much better.


The Laminator said...

Congrats, buddy! Hope you like the new work!

Biscuitman said...

Congrats on the new job. Hope the nipples are better too!

RunToTheFinish said...

awesome! you never know what temporary can turn in to!

The Boring Runner said...

I believe the term for that is: "giggity giggity goo!!"

Nitmos said...

Copngratulations on the Unemployment PR! That must be the quickest you were ever out of work?! Also, I was getting tired of carrying you with my tax dollars so...thanks.

Irish Cream said...

Yay, congrats! Good luck with the new gig! ;)

Laura said...

Sorry to be so behind on the reading! Congratulations on the freelance position :) I was just coming over to post this article, but it seems you don't need it anymore: http://www.wellheeledblog.com/2009/09/08/4-ways-take-advantage-of-unemployment/