I officially wrapped up my part of the work on Saturday night at 8pm. Which left me free and clear to destress during my scheduled 11 mile long run. While I didn't completely destress, several curious things happened and some unconnected thoughts floated into my head:
- I wondered if I could live a day without verbs. (After confering with friends later the consensus was that I could, but if I only said "yes" or "no" all day.)
- It was the first time in a long time that I ran with music--and I'm not sure if I missed it. It was nice to have the music to entertain and distract, but it felt unnecessary.
- This was the first run in months that I needed to bust open a gel pack while on the run--those CLIF Shots aren't so hot, I miss GU.
- A twig/small branch fell from the sky and landed directly in front of me. It frightened the bejesus out of me.
- During this run I ran over three bridges: the Queensboro, Manhattan, and Brooklyn Bridges. Each one of these bridges is over 150 feet high and 1.5 miles long. Last time I did this run I had shin splits for a week. This time I conquered the three bridges pain free and in top condition.
- I almost got hit by a car...I should probably pay a little more attention to where I'm going.
- Summer streets are almost here!
- My goal pace was 9:15--which still sounds so painfully slow--I finished with a 9:13 pace.
That long run concluded week four of NYCM training. Only 14 weeks to go until race day!