
A funny joke

Flipping through this week’s issue of New York magazine, I caught this joke by comedienne Claudia Cogan:

“Until the financial crisis, I thought a 401(k) was an unusually long marathon. I couldn’t understand why my co-workers kept signing up. To me, it was just a way to mess up a Sunday.”

I started laughing to myself and realized I had just become that crazy guy on subway who laughs to himself a little too loudly.


The Laminator said...

Good one! I needed a joke right about now and that hit the spot. Thanks!

Nancy said...

You are that scary guy. :) Nahh.

FLYERS26 said...

That is funny!
Time to cut and paste and email it out!

The Boring Runner said...

lol - I'll admit, I had to read it a few times to 'get' the 401k bit....

As long as you don't fall asleep and lean on me, I think that you can laugh as much as you want on the subway!