
I don't feel like writing

I really don't. It's been about a week since I've posted and really, I have nothing to say. I've been in a blah mood lately between work and home being particularly stressful lately. Running hasn't been too interesting since I'm in a maintenance month.

I spent a good chuck of tonight trying to write one post (not this one) and didn't get very far before I threw in the towel.

Eh, I hoping inspiratioin decides to visit me over the weekend.


Unknown said...


This little five minute video is good inspiration, reminds me of all the good runs. Can't help you on the writing part though...

Jess said...

Blogger block happens to everyone. The inspiration will return, no fears.

Irish Cream said...

Have to agree with Jess . . . it happens to all of us. Give it some time and it will come back to you ;)

The Boring Runner said...

No worries man. I think that a lot of people are running dry on the posts. Get out and enjoy some fresh air – that always works for me!