
Unemployment: Day Eight

Good news people: I have a job interview set up for tomorrow! This unemployment bit might be shorter than I expected. The agency is one I have admired for a long time and been trying to get into pretty much since I graduated from college. The account, as far as I can tell, seems interesting. The catch? I'd have to take a small pay cut. Blah.

But I'm still positive because I met with two recruiters today and already have two job leads coming out of those meetings. So I might not have to compromise on the salary.

Anywho, on the running front, I had a 14-mile long run this weekend during Heatwave 2009--as the local news likes to call it. I met up with a friend and his friend who I hadn't met before to cruise down Park Ave (thanks to Summer Streets), over the Brooklyn Bridge (yeah those knees are goners), back up Park Ave, and then a final loop in Central Park. It was a sweaty and muggy run--made even more sweaty and muggy because we went at an 8:30 pace instead of the leisurely 9:15 I've been doing during this training cycle. While it was fun, there was so much chafing afterward, which resulted in the most painful shower ever. Well, second most painful shower ever--there was that shower after the half-marathon in Philly when I learned why guys put bandages on their nipples.


k said...

Sounds painful!

Good luck on the job interview!!!

Laura said...

Good luck with the interview! And try not to stress too much about the pay cut, depending on what it is. I took about a 12k pay cut and yet it's been made up for in other ways (fewer hours, less stress, etc).

Jess said...

Good luck with the interview!

Irish Cream said...

Wooo! Good luck with the job interview! That's so exciting! :)

The Laminator said...

Happy to hear that things are looking up on the job front!

Way to rock Summer Streets!

Biscuitman said...

Good luck with the interview and good job on the 14 miler. Stepping up the pace will pay dividends down the track.

The Boring Runner said...

I think "tomorrow" is now so hopefully it went WELL.